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Showing posts from January, 2018

Harmful and Helpful Mindsets

Learning mindset Avoid: Fixed learning mindset A fixed learning mindset is the thought that skill/intelligence in a subject is limited. This is harmful since a child thinking they are just bad at something will not invest effort or time in improving. This ends up being a self-fulfilling prophecy as the child creates a mental block preventing them from fully trying. The child withhold your effort to  protect themselves from failure.  Promote: Growth learning mindset A growth learning mindset is one where the child believes their accomplishments are not due to their innate ability but the effort they put in. In effect when the child meets a challenge they are more likely to invest more of themselves to improve or overcome the challenge.  You can promote a growth learning mindset from Babyhood: 1. Describe your child's efforts instead of evaluating the finished project.   2. Allow your child to fail in play, art, and everyday interactions. When they do fail allow the