Have you ever felt your child was being sassy or bossy? They are calling you mean, telling you what to do, or "talking back" to you. Are they hitting, yelling, or doing the opposite of what you say? Maybe these actions and words do not phase you but another does, and you react physiologically. Our children know us better than anyone because they have watched us since they were born, our return to their faces/coos drove them to talk and engage. During the beginning stages of attachment they started social referencing to see if something is desired by their adult. This social referencing doesn't stop but it is now paired with a growing sense of self. This mind is growing so fast in emotions and physical growth but self control and planning is not quite there. A milestone that all toddlers will reach is opposition behavior, they are asserting themselves as their own person,witnessing your changing reactions, and then repeat the experiment to try to figure out why. All wor...